Taster Events

Open Evening

Our Sixth Form open evening takes place in October or November each year.

Taster days

Year 11 Taster Days are aimed at any students wishing to consider Outwood Academy as a post 16 option. Our taster day tends to take place on the second or third Wednesday of January each year but please check nearer the time for details.

You will have already “narrowed down” the subject areas you want to experience in advance of attending the Taster Day.  On the day you will be welcomed by existing students, staff and receive a short welcome talk by Mr Garnham (Head of Post 16).  You will then go directly to your first taster session and then carry on to the rest of your chosen subjects.

We are hopeful that this experience will give you an idea of which subjects you would like to pursue in the future or indeed help you to decide whether the Post 16 centre at Outwood Academy Easingwold is right for you. This will also involve you reflecting upon whether our sixth form offers you the right courses at an aspirational and accessible level.  

Induction event

Following GCSE exams in July of year 11 we invite prospective students into the sixth form for a pre-induction event that allows them to become familiar with their surroundings ahead of their induction in September of year 12. This usually takes place in the penultimate week of the summer term and in 2024 will take place on Tuesday 9th July.