Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment - Extend Your Study  

To develop and support subject study our sixth form provides students with a wealth of opportunities that develop your study skills, broaden your academic thinking and support your academic study. 

Subject Lectures / Guest Speakers

Throughout the year students have the opportunity to engage with live lectures through some of our trips, but we also invite a variety of guest speakers into the academy for students. These vary depending on the cohort of students.

Through our guidance and VMG programme of study students experience a variety of TED talks where appropriate. We also recommend that students access the excellent Access Ed resources that are available via their website. We also invite in leaders and alumni from a variety of industries to ensure students have a greater understanding of what opportunities are available to them once they have left the sixth form.   

Subject and Wider Reading

There are many opportunities available to our sixth form students to extend their study by reading and listening more widely around their subject areas, and on wider issues. We recommend and promote materials through our subject and guidance curriculum to support students to  develop their intellectual curiosity and independent learning.  

Every subject provides a wider reading list which includes books, articles, podcasts etc. that support the development of both subject understanding and subject interest. Our library is an excellent resource and our librarian supports students to navigate research. All students receive an induction into the library through the Guidance programme early in year 12.

Subject Study Support

To support students’ academic study departments provide some 1:1 support during the school day, after school study sessions and remote learning sessions. Where needed teachers will also offer further support within the day through further lessons if they have the capacity to do so.  Most subjects offer enrichment after school for year 13 which is deemed compulsory for identified students to support them reach their potential in a smaller group. However, all students across years 12 and 13 are welcome to attend these sessions. 

Google Classroom

All students can access online learning materials including some recorded lessons and feedback on submitted work through our Google Classroom.  This is an excellent learning platform that enables blended learning approaches and collaborative working.